1. Chris@Home

    Front Wiper Problem

    Ok Thankyou, will get another wiper motor unit.
  2. Chris@Home

    Front Wiper Problem

    So is that the unit on the steering column, or on the wiper motor itself.... sorry google isnt being helpful
  3. Chris@Home

    Front Wiper Problem

    yes they do, sometimes on the quick down they get stuck on the upward course if its just very quickly hit, but then they normally reset after a couple of seconds... or sort if you press down again they carry on and then park properly
  4. Chris@Home

    Front Wiper Problem

    Similar to some posts allready but not quite.... With the front wipers, they work on quick down, and when you switch them on both settings... They dont work on wash... but the jets do... when you switch them on to intermittent you can here the relay going, and changing the speed on the stick...
  5. Chris@Home

    VCU question

    Hi Guys, managed to do the OWT today and its well and trully bolloxxed. Dropped the whole props out completely until I can get it sorted. For your interest it failed to move at the suggested weights etc. Thanks for the advice, Already did a complete rear drum replacement as the were looking like...
  6. Chris@Home

    VCU question

    Ok, wasnt sure... will do that as well then.... thanks for the replies guys.
  7. Chris@Home

    VCU question

    Hi all, Pretty sure the VCU has gone on our freelander, feels like brakes are on... just had some juddering going round corner, also when reversing it can pretty much stop on its own with no brakes... Just trying to rule out rear diff so... quick question in the picture do the two halves of the...