1. D

    Three Amigos Help

    It’s deffo an electrical problem, I’ll be having another look this week and post up results of tests, to give others with similar issues pointers, thanks for input A Any clues are good clues Archman, there are so many issues with the amigos and how interconnected the abs hdc and tc are.
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    Three Amigos Help

    Forget to say, it’s the later type sensor, they seem to be a better design so came out relatively quickly, haven’t done the left/right swop yet so will have to see how well the other side comes out, fingers crossed.
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    Three Amigos Help

    Agreed, been researching how modulators work and they are pretty basic, going to put it back together and swop sensors left to right to see what that shows, hopefully it’s not a break in the wiring loom somewhere, if all else fails I’m going to strip hub for full clean up. I’ll post up what I...
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    Three Amigos Help

    Thanks for reply GG, no previous faults, I’m clutching at straws to be honest, I am going to swap sensors from osf to nsf and vica versa to see if the problem migrates. Do the wheel bearings loose their magnetic efficiency? Regards dms
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    Three Amigos Help

    I’ve been trying to find the source of my 3A’s, I was driving my FL1 td4 54 plate on a dry warm day, pulling a trailer with an electrical plug issue (lights only on one side), straight road, not touching brakes, boom! On came the amigos! Have been on since. Put the icarsoft i930 OBD2 on it...
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    FL1 BMW M3 engine conversion

    Agree, think it's going to be a non starter, just fancied something to make it totally different.
  7. D

    FL1 BMW M3 engine conversion

    The FL1 I have is excellent condition, but alas just about worthless, thought it might be interesting to do something very different.
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    FL1 BMW M3 engine conversion

    I've always liked a challenge, think I need to do some measuring.
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    FL1 BMW M3 engine conversion

    Ive had an idea! Has anyone ever tried to fit a BMW M3 lump into the TD4 hole on a FL1, straight forward FWD, is the M3 lump much bigger than the BMW diesel lump fitted as standard, fire away I've got thick skin.
  10. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    I did 12 months ago, but now you mention it I will check again, I'll post an update if it improves the drivability, thanks Alibro.
  11. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    Would a diagnostic check confirm this? Or would it need to go on a rolling road?
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    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    That's interesting Colin, all I'm looking for is better drivability, I wouldn't mind but it's had a really easy life, original elderly owner hardly drove it, I've owned it since. I took the prop off at 65000mls as I never go off road with it, and my kids call me Captain Slow. It just feels sh*t...
  13. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 Towing question!

    My thought was I might be able to move my 1.5t kubota mini digger, but I think it might be asking to get pulled by the Feds.
  14. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    No, it's a manual box, will take a look at that though, thanks Nodge.
  15. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 Towing question!

    What is FL1 TD4 allowed to tow? Braked and in-braked? Info online is pretty contradictory.
  16. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    Apologies for slow response, it's that time of year, thanks for the leads, I will be looking at the various options over the next week or so, thanks all.
  17. D

    Freelander 1 TD4 engine remap

    Evening peeps, has anyone ever had a Freelander 1 TD4 (BMW) remapped? If so, I'd be interested to hear what you thought of performance and economy, regards Andy
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    Just worked out how to say greetings

    I did my DNA test a couple of years ago, and found I'm a one man All nations UN ambassador ✌️
  19. D

    Just worked out how to say greetings

    Pretty sure it is now. We are only peasants so we go over on the Sickalonian