1. Anneliese

    Business insurance for LRdefender with bench seats

    Hi all, just want to say a massive thank you to you all! We now have our beautiful beast all insured and ready to pull our shanky pizza oven!!!!! Adrian flux we went with you guys. Your team were so kind and helpful. Fantastic. Thank you.
  2. Anneliese

    Business insurance for LRdefender with bench seats

    He’s at our friends garage at the moment as he’s had some work done but good shout. Mum spoke to them today and doesn’t alway have the confidence to question anything. I’ll call tomorrow and get it sorted out. Had our bloody money and said it was fine! Thanks again all
  3. Anneliese

    Business insurance for LRdefender with bench seats

    Ah thank you, what a friendly group! It’s sounds ridiculous to me, we have insured it for years no trouble, only since we wanted to add business use. Thank you, I’ll try your suggestions tomorrow. Thanks for the lovely welcome.
  4. Anneliese

    Business insurance for LRdefender with bench seats

    hay new to this group. We have a LR defender that we would like to insure to pull a trailer with a pizza oven on. This is obviously for business purposes. We have attempted to get insurance via our normal broker and he’s telling us no one will insure it because it has inward facing bench seats...