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    Head gasket and high pressure oil leak!

    Thanks James for the suggestions. Okay with the help of the trusty assistant (wifey) I managed to observe first hand - it is the oil feed pipe to the turbo, but down at the far (untouched end) actually from the pipe. It must have split during the various processes.
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    Head gasket and high pressure oil leak!

    I believe it is not the turbo banjo bolt and I have not disturbed the centrifuge and it appears to be tight. It is a proper high pressure spray. Covered the driveway in 30 seconds and was spraying up to a metre out of the engine bay. I've just read through the Rave and it matches with the haynes...
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    Head gasket and high pressure oil leak!

    Hi, so I have a 1999 defender 110 TD5. Recently it developed a pressurised coolant system which was a failing head gasket leading to exhaust in the coolant. So I have (following the haynes manual) replaced the gasket. I happened to have an AMC head lying around so stuck that on instead of the...
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    Hi, I'm Alex I'm from NZ but now live in Sheffield England. Sadly, 3 years ago, I have purchased a 1999 Defender 110 TD5 and have developed a love hate relationship with it. I'm not a mechanic but have so far have replaced all the ancillaries (fuel pump, power steering pump, alternator, starter...
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    Hi Hawky I have been reading this article you wrote...

    Hi Hawky I have been reading this article you wrote https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/how-2-change-a-defender-90-110-transfer-box.196250/ All of the pictures have disappeared. Is it possible to somehow fix them or maybe post a link on the article to where they are available?