1. Billy110

    Disco 2 Td5 Auto Difficult to start

    Have you checked battery connections, are they tight? Have you checked the battery condition? Why are you charging it every night? I had a starting issue a while back. Sometimes the starter would turn over, sometimes it wouldn’t. No clicks, no noise, no nothing. I found the signal cable on...
  2. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Definite progress of sorts... As @joojar @sierrafery and others have said, I looked at the actual waste gate. I got hung up on what I now know is the actuator (with big spring in). I found a vid on YouTube which I’ll post a link to shortly. My waste gate was definitely sticking, but after...
  3. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thanks Joojar. Yes, I’ve had this off, drowned it, freed it off and refitted. It seemed mechanically ok. I’m trawling through related threads looking at relevant pressures I should have. I’ll get Hawkeye plugged in to see what is going on.
  4. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thanks @sierrafery. I’ll do the test on Saturday. How can I diagnose overboosting? I changed the regulator, does this control overboosting?
  5. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thanks Joojar. I forgot to post that I have swapped this, and the injector harness too. Although I wouldn’t rule out new items entirely.
  6. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Possible progress in a strange kind of way. I think I had/have 2 faults, and confused the diagnosis. I definitely had engine problems, rough idling etc, and proved the MAF to be defective which I changed. I still had loss of power, or so I thought... Being happy I couldn’t find any more...
  7. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thanks @sierrafery When this fault was present, embarrassingly, I hadn’t reconnected the sensor after cleaning it. Reconnected, it reads and changes with pedal demand. No faults showing on Hawkeye.
  8. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thanks Mike. Big job? Any pitfalls to avoid? Did you have any visible symptoms, visible fuel leak etc?
  9. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Hi All, Still taking any advice you can give...! I now have Hawkeye, and cleared faults that were present, so no faults are showing now. I’m now thinking I might need to start replacing sensors with Genuine LR parts, but would like to know which sensors are critical to be Genuine. I haven’t...
  10. Billy110

    Disco 2 Lack of performance or just slow??

    What does this mean?
  11. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Thank you Sir. I’ll wait for the Cavalry now... @sierrafery
  12. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    VDO/Siemens unit as suggested.
  13. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    I replaced it with Aftermarket. I went from having no signal voltage, to having a voltage that is variable. My ambient pressure value isn’t changing at all.
  14. Billy110

    Disco 2 Loss of power STILL NOT SORTED, BUT...

    Ok, progress I hope... Hawkeye arrived today. Live faults displayed are: 3007 Ambient pressure low 3039 Ambient pressure When I looked at the live data, the ambient pressure didn’t move from 100.0kPa. Is this the MAP sensor or something else? Sierrafery...?
  15. Billy110

    Project Landy - Chassis type

    Hi All, Are there any disadvantages to buying an ex Military or ex Utility (HD chassis) vehicle? Are all parts compatible with these chassis types, including fitting ‘standard’ roofs, or are they specials and I’ll struggle?
  16. Billy110

    Disco 2 HawkEye - The cupboard is bare! SORTED

    Sorted. Rang them earlier and they have just had 50 delivered. Mine will be here tomorrow :-)
  17. Billy110

    Changing body type/spec and registration docs

    Great, thank you. No, I have no intention of venturing that far south, and certainly not to the big smoke! Knackered old Farmers pick ups seem like good value, just need to fettle one up and stick a roof on.
  18. Billy110

    Changing body type/spec and registration docs

    Hi All, Apologies if this has been posted hundreds of times before, am happy if someone has a link... However, if I bought a project vehicle with a hard top and put windows in it, or a pick up and put a full length roof on, is there any issues in doing so in terms of the DVLA?
  19. Billy110

    Disco 2 HawkEye - The cupboard is bare! SORTED

    Yes, cleared lots up thanks. A 110 is the dream vehicle, so might just have to try and work out how to afford one! In the meantime, I need to get my D2 back on the road. Hawkeye here I come (when I can get my hands on one!).
  20. Billy110

    Disco 2 HawkEye - The cupboard is bare! SORTED

    I honestly don’t know, but the fact you might need to rules me out as a DIYer. I might be able to sneak another vehicle past the missus, but not the vehicle lift, tackle and workshop to fit it in