1. C

    4.0 tickover

    Have it booked in for the codes to be reset. Fingers crossed. Thanks
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    4.0 tickover

    Witty, thank you.
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    Cant get me 4.0 Disco to tick over and run well

    No LPG and Unable to drive it to the cemetery
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    4.0 tickover

    Hi, I'm having problems get my 2001 4.0 to tickover. When it cold it will but as soon as it get any sort of heat in to it, it starts popping in the inlet manifold and then cuts out. The only way it will run is if you take the inlet pipe of the idle valve and block the whole in the valve. I...
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    Cant get me 4.0 Disco to tick over and run well

    Hi I'm in the Warrington area, could any body point me in the right direction of a good independent specialist nearby? thanks
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    Autobox Problem

    Thanks. If I can locate a 95 ECU would I be able to just slot in, or would I need to get it remaped for my vehicle?
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    Autobox Problem

    Hi, I have a 95 4.6 HSE that will not operate in any gear. The torque converter is ok, the filter mesh has been removed and LR are unable to talk to the ECU. From what people with more knowledge than I are saying, is that the box thinks its still in park and is dropping the presure. I also...
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    Many thanks to all.
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    A long time ago, last year actualy. I was told by an old timer that you can buy a repair kit for the pump. Is this the truth or just the deranged ramberlings of an old man?:)
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    Air Suspension Problem

    And today its done it again!!
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    Air Suspension Problem

    Wills, The damn thing rose up this morning and maintained its hight after a week of refusing to! I very much doubt that this will be the last of it. Thanks for the feedback.
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    Air Suspension Problem

    Hi All, I'm having problems getting my 2000 P38 off the bump stops. Access light permantly illuminated whilst the standard ride light is flashing. No obvious sounds of escaping air and the pump is working fine. I recently changed the rear wheel due to a flat and shortly after this the...