1. M

    battrey light

    new alt fitted to day im very happy
  2. M

    Freelander 1 Heater

    im having the same problem but have been told its my thermostat my temp needle only goes a 1/4 of the way up im fitting a in line thermostat there are quite a few threads on here about it
  3. M

    battrey light

  4. M

    battrey light

    Not having much luck so far Yesterday I took the battery of to charge it up so I could move it to where I could work on it Tonight went to put it on and found the back window had come down I now have snow all over the inside
  5. M

    battrey light

    Any hints and tips for changing one over
  6. M

    battrey light

    i have been looking for a new one but how do i tell what alt i have where i have been looking it says there are 3 different ones of my landy
  7. M

    battrey light

    help guys on my way home my battrey light came on then about 5 min later the hill decent came on now it wont start is it the altinater i should have said its a 2001 3 door td4 thanks
  8. M

    hello everyone

    i did find the freelander section and posted about an seatbelt extender but no joy so far i will get some pics up soon
  9. M

    Freelander 1 seatbelt extender

    https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/wEMAAOSwy0JZ7X1g/s-l500.jpg thanks for the reply but its more like the pic above
  10. M

    Freelander 1 seatbelt extender

    hi does anyone know where i can get one for my freelander i have looked on ebay with no luck thanks sandy
  11. M

    hello everyone

    hi guys i have just gotten myself a 51 td4 freelander gs 3 door i have loads of questions but will leave them till later opps im sandy from the east coast of scotland