1. andy willett

    Advice?! Walton motors - Cranleigh

    what episode and what series?
  2. andy willett

    Driving a Navara at mo

    Driving a Navara at mo
  3. andy willett

    Advice?! Walton motors - Cranleigh

    Well it was always going to happen, They had rang me a few months ago telling me there was nought wrong with my defender (a year later) I re sent to them their letters and solicitors letters and a copy of the prohibition notice, then I heard nothing after. I think perhaps they thought I had...
  4. andy willett

    Advice?! Walton motors - Cranleigh

    I know its a older post.. here my google feedback for Walton last year. Forced to get a refund from my credit card company, under section 75, The Defender, with a new mot, received a prohibition notice within 3 weeks of purchase. There was a long list of faults. Walton Motors insisted via...