1. peter massolt

    Disco2 SLS drama

    Good day all. It's with a fair amount of shame that I have to inform you that it was me who was at fault here. We hooked up a tester and we tested if the valves on the air valve block opened and they did indeed. Because I replaced the piston ring on the piston of the compressor, we connected a...
  2. peter massolt

    Disco2 SLS drama

    Thanks gents! Much appreciated. I have a mate with a tester so we'll have a go at diagnostics tomorrow. Will let you know how we got on.
  3. peter massolt

    Disco2 SLS drama

    Good day all, This concerns a Disco2/ES of 2000? When I was on holiday two weeks ago, I suddenly got the SLS alarm with erratic chiming. The air bladders held pressure though. Since then, I replaced both bladders and I fitted a new piston ring on the air compressor. I found Fuse Link 9 under the...
  4. peter massolt

    Effect of U-Pol Raptor paint on value

    Thanks Col, much appreciated. I am tempted to prepare the Disco1 also for offroad. In that case I shall proceed with the Raptor spray job because it's a durable coating and a lot cheaper than a proper metallic spray job.
  5. peter massolt

    For the Brittany Ferries crossing to Santander all Land Rover owners were singled out for having...

    For the Brittany Ferries crossing to Santander all Land Rover owners were singled out for having their cars parked on the open deck
  6. peter massolt

    Effect of U-Pol Raptor paint on value

    Good day all...I am new to this forum. I am in the process of reconditioning/ restoring a Disco1 V8. Bought it on Ebay from a farmer in Wiltshire. It is very original, with a good interior. All welding now nearly completed. Recon V8 will be installed next month. I would like to keep this car as...