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    Td5 engine nock and oil level very high!

    Quick update here... I have just driven nearly 10,000km with my issue, and actually had very little drama! I used my hand-pump-siphoning-rig every night to pump the oil / diesel mix out of the engine via the dipstick tube hole. It was adding about 2.5ltrs of diesel a day, and therefore I...
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    Td5 engine nock and oil level very high!

    Thank you so much. I've made up my rig, and it works well. Ended up using one of those hand squeezes that sits between a boat fuel tank and outboard engine, for priming I think. That makes sense to hear that the oil and diesel will mix, as the stuff I've pulled out the top and the stuff I've...
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    Td5 engine nock and oil level very high!

    @shifty - I'm in the bush is Zambia with what looks like a cracked head (diesel in sump oil, air in fuel line, pressure in rad Hose, and I've just done the injector seals) . Circumstances don't permit a new head, so I need to make do. This siphoning sounds like my only option. I'm pretty sure...
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    TD5 Air In Fuel System, Cutting out

    Did anyone manage to make any progress on this? I'm having a total shocker. Car was OK, but cutting out when pushed, and with lots of diesel in the sump oil. So we changed the injector seals, and now the thin will only run for 30 seconds before running out of diesel. Any ideas?
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    Disconnecting Upper Radiator Hose (in Botwsana)- HELP!

    New injector seals going In tomorrow morning, which will hopefully take care of the air in the diesel and diesel In the sump. I've also put some stop leak in the coolant. Slim chance it'll work, but it's cheaper than a new head!
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    Disconnecting Upper Radiator Hose (in Botwsana)- HELP!

    I've had an interesting 24 hrs. With 4 breakdowns over 600km! I have now developed a new issue - if you push the car I.e if I attempt to accelerate too hard, it breaks down as if running out of diesel. If you then put ignition to position 2 you can then hear the fuel pump running, making the...
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    Disconnecting Upper Radiator Hose (in Botwsana)- HELP!

    @jamesmartin (apologies for not quoting properly, internet here is rubbish, and it wont let me do it). How would I go about finding out if it were the HG is leaking gasses? I'm not a great mechanic, but I've been doing all the usual tests - including looking into the expansion tank whilst the...
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    Disconnecting Upper Radiator Hose (in Botwsana)- HELP!

    Thanks everyone. I agree the increased pressure does mean the HG is the most obvious fault, but I'm really confident it isn't that. Firstly it just got done, as In the day I got It, and checked in the garage and the computer. Then, since the first time it blew I have had it checked twice...
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    Disconnecting Upper Radiator Hose (in Botwsana)- HELP!

    Hi Everyone. I'm currently driving at 2003 Disco Mark 2. Td5 engine. I'm in Botswana, and got this car on a very dodgy deal after my original car blew a head gasket. I've had it for 2 days and had the same issue both days. i've searched the forums as best I can, but the internet here is v...