1. H

    Help Please

    Trevor, It sounds more likely to be a problem with the power supply with the ignition switched off rather than an internal battery concern...It is receiving enough of a charge with the ignition on and holding that charge as it is the internal battery it is using when it goes off! Could be...
  2. H

    Help Please

    It sounds to me like there is some sort of power supply fault to the siren itself. The tamper mechanism works from voltage drop. This is why if you leave your lights on for too long, the siren will go off. This appears to be of a similar ilk. I would focus in that area if I were you. Good luck...
  3. H

    Help Please

    This is one of those nightmarey ones that are difficult to answer without some kind of physical diagnostics or at least seeing the vehicle. A few pointers though, the alarm systems on these have two types of trigger. The first is a perimeter trigger such as a door opening or bonnet lifting...
  4. H

    1991 Discovery Tailgate Lock Problem

    Hey, look what I found... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31348&item=4555603928&rd=1
  5. H

    Key Barrel

    Thanks for the advice tigapiglet. It looks like I'm going to have to change the whole assembly, steering lock and all. Damned replacements over £100 though!!!!! HELLS TEETH:eek: .....it better come gold plated!
  6. H

    Key Barrel

    Does anybody know how the hell to remove a key barrel from a disco! Damned keys have stopped turning so now I'm stranded. Any help greatfully received:(
  7. H

    1991 Discovery Tailgate Lock Problem

    I have the same problem. I have to unlock with the remote then turn and hold the key to open the back. Its all down to a little turnover spring in the lock mechanism. Its a swine to get to and even harder to get a replacement without having to replace the whole thing. Too expensive for me, I'd...
  8. H


    Hello all, just joined. Found the site whilst looking for help on a problem on my Disco, hopefully one of you more knowledgable types might be able to help.:confused: