1. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Thank you for your time and for that info. Much appreciated. I’ll be looking some more. The bottom hose to the matrix gets warm. But not flowing through. What you just said makes a little more sense.there has to be something stopping it well before it gets to the matrix and restricting flow...
  2. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Thank you. The reason I was thinking thermostat is because the fan will start at some point and I’ve still got a cold pipe,with nothing running through it. my thinking was no circulation. I Sure your right. Just me thinking out loud. the matrix is new a flows through when on a hose pipe. I...
  3. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Hiya Remember me . Ive tried to ignore the fact that the heater isnt working, ive fixed the water leak so thats good, now then ive come to the conclusion that at my age i really do nead heat. The situation at the moment if anyone can help is......to recap .filled header tank with...
  4. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    I’ll try that tomorrow. See if I can get it to work. Thanks for suggesting it.
  5. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Hiya It’s is. At the top. I’m thinking. Would taking both off and gently hosing through the matrix to flush the air out do it. Bit rough doing this I know but trying almost anything at the moment. Thanks.
  6. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Hiya Thanks. Poured the coolant in with the bleed screw out engine not running. until gravity did it’s thing. I thought this would do it. But!!!! I’ll check the rail tomorrow. I guess it just going round the pipes. Thanks for replying Cheers.
  7. B

    Freelander 1. 1.8 k series water heater problem.

    Hiya Just replaced the heater matrix because it sprung a leak. and now the heater doesn’t work,I’m presuming an air lock but don’t know the correct procedure on this model to clear it. And no I didn’t fill the matrix before fitting it ☹️ The water pump went so I replaced that too.now I’m well...
  8. B

    Bonnet release cable snapped. Any ideas??

    For future peoples. Freelander 1 pre facelift. Snapped bonnet release cable. 10mm ratchet spanner/open ended. Look through the cut out front of the Bonet and then undo the two 10mm bolts that are fixed to the BONNET this will allow to lift the bonnet and access to engine bay.a small screwdriver...