1. Chalkie232

    What is this?!?!

    Sorry not been online in a few days (good old BT internet ....) I am in agreement it's a resistor for some reason or other, in sure when I start the rebuild I'm sure I will find out and let all know what the heck it was!! Thanks again!!
  2. Chalkie232

    What is this?!?!

    It may very well be that, I have a small level of OCD when it comes to parts etc! As long as I know what something is / does I'm ok otherwise it niggles away at me!! Goes with the job I do I suppose!! If it's non standard I will have a play around with it when I get the new engine in and see...
  3. Chalkie232

    What is this?!?!

    I will get some better pictures in the morning I think, it was the big ball of silicon it was in that made me look a bit closer. I thought it looked like a type of resistor of some kind but couldn't see any mention on the wiring diagrams I found earlier!
  4. Chalkie232

    What is this?!?!

    Hi all, I have a defender 90 currently running as a petrol but I have started doing some stripping down ready to put in a 300tdi (that will soon become a whole new thread im sure!!) Whilst digging around looking for some serial numbers for my gearbox I noticed this at the back on top of the...
  5. Chalkie232

    Hi from cornwall

    Thanks for the link David, It appears at some point it's been dramatically changed and DVLA have given it a new VIN number. I do know in it's history it's had both a new chassis and shell so that would explain it! Thanks again for the link!! Adam
  6. Chalkie232

    Hi from cornwall

    Ahhh not too far from me then (im in the helston area) I would love to get a classic dub, it's definitely on my long list of wagons I want!!!
  7. Chalkie232

    Hi from cornwall

    Spot on thanks turboman!!! I will be sure to check it out, and in sure it will leave me with more questions!!!
  8. Chalkie232

    Hi from cornwall

    Thanks Marmaduke!! So far it seems to be going well, seems to have the r380 box so it's definitely a start! However I will end up being a pest with too many questions im sure On a side note, I have now got the joys of working out why my VIN starts SABTV ......
  9. Chalkie232

    Hi from cornwall

    Hi all, I have just gone and taken the plunge and bought my 1st defender 90 project!! I have quite a bit of knowledge mechanically (civilian helicopter mechanical engineer by trade) but all my experiences are with VAG motors (avid T4 owner). I'm sure you will all see me asking some questions...