1. GreyRover

    Checklist for purchasing a new defender?

    "TDCI crap" ........ Interesting comment!!! As I am in the process of looking for a newish 110 XS USW what makes you say this?? A recent article in LRO magazine made good and bad comments on all engine variants but concluded that if you can afford one then the newest engine (2.2) is the overall...
  2. GreyRover

    Hi Everyone

    Just joined this forum. Hello all. I've had three Discos and a P38 RR over the years but now retired I'm considering going back to basics and getting a Defender. Don't ask why because I just want one!! Would have preferred a 90 but it would not suit our lifestyle. Although it is suitable for...
  3. GreyRover

    French driving.

  4. GreyRover

    French driving.

    This is now unfortunately wrong. As of 7th May 2017 the French Police can request your details from DVLA up to 12 months after you are 'flashed ' by a roadside speed camera. So beware!!