1. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    You know how it goes, I'll "just inspect it before I decide if I need to overhaul it" No, i think it's good. Leaks like fat lad on a rape charge. Then can't source a kit. If I have a kit it wont be needed but I can do it anyway.
  2. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    Assist me sourcing one and it will be my pleasure to, but pointless until that point.
  3. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    The ANR5321KIT number I've had a short while but having difficulty sourcing one.
  4. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    I'll break it down on the bench and do a "how to' write up IF I can find a kit of course
  5. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    David my old mentor when i was an apprentice, used to throw nuts and bolts at me randomly to check I was watching what went on. I learned so many skills from him, lots that transfer over into other areas, a lot were just a mind set on thinking how to approach each job. I also, had apprentices...
  6. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    It's not a dissimilar disease.
  7. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    I still repair absolutely everything I can on the bench. That's my way, that's how I was taught was the right way. From my kids push bikes to abs pumps to whole car. I've taught my 3 boys this way too, not many 18/19 year olds can weld, rewire, diagnose on anything let alone everything but we...
  8. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    It's a brilliant bit of kit if you need hundreths of a second or like your car farting between gear changes and it really does give you a lot of the best of both auto and manual but hideously wallet killing if you fail to maintain it or if it just dies because its Tuesday. Please dont even...
  9. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    Of course !
  10. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    Oh I get it alright. When vw brought the dsg about we attended a course on how to strip and inspect them etc. I had mine in about 200 pieces on the bench in 30 minutes while we waited for the tutor. I then showed him what did what and where i thought theyd fail from previous experiences with...
  11. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    Generally I'm not fragile I love a good open discussion I just forgot you had no idea of others capabilities. I wasnt offended just surprised.
  12. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    With 35 years service at VW, 20 as a master tech before retirement I'm more qualified than pretty much most people and it was originally only a simple question of "where can I buy an overhaul kit from as I'm at a dead end" but thank you all.
  13. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    My intention is not to rebuild the current sloppy box but the seemingly ok 2nd box I have already on the side. It's that one I'd like to overhall. The spaffed one will be in the scrap metal pile with almost certainty.
  14. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    I can see where that's where I'm most likely going to end up but I have to make every effort to complete my original objective.
  15. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    The spare box I have feels like it's fine and tight but I just want to be sure that its good for the foreseeable future, you know.
  16. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    That's kind of my first actions but theres no point if I cant find an overhaul kit to start with.
  17. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    But compared to this it is... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F322690254958
  18. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    Whilst I agree, this ones only lasted 130k it's not to say the replacement wont give up in 6 months and I dont want to repeat the job. It's a false economy, surely. Ideally I'd buy a new or recon one but at 4 figures for the former it's not likely when I've rebuilt lots of boxes previously...
  19. Guy Prince

    P38 steering box overhaul kit.

    I already have a spare steering box but I'm not a repair by replacement fella, I prefer to rebuild to fix. The spare box I already have is an unknown quantity, the same as any breaker sourced item. If I can rebuild it before swapping it in I'll be a much happier bunny and so won't need to...