1. R

    Tappet assemblies?

    Sorry, yes - I meant the valves won't be opening as much.
  2. R

    Tappet assemblies?

    Meridian engine services near Cambridge did the rebore and crank polish for £180. Pistons are hard to find at present, unless you want £10 Britparts, but I managed to find AE Nurals at Bearmach for about £45. James, the slides in my engine are the originals for '67 which have the bearing...
  3. R

    Tappet assemblies?

    Thanks - I had a long conversation with the tech at Turners today, who advised that the originals have a grey bearing surface bonded to the curved seat of the brass slide, whereas none of the repro ones do. He also advised using the originals unless they were very badly worn, so I have. I've...
  4. R

    Tappet assemblies?

    I'm rebuilding my Series IIA's 2.25 petrol engine - rebored to +0.020", polished crank with new std bearings etc. I'm fitting a new cam but can't decide what to do about the tappets. The old parts are in good shape with little wear. Should the brass slides have a grey coating on the concave...
  5. R

    3rd/4th synchro clutch

    Thanks Blackburn, that makes sense. I think I can make out a difference in the 4th gear internal teeth in the photo. I was trying to work out how the coffin-shaped teeth would stop it falling out of gear, your explanation makes sense. Best stick with the FRC1758 then!
  6. R

    3rd/4th synchro clutch

    Does anyone know if a FRC6996 synchro clutch, listed as for Series 3 suffix D all-synchro gearbox, can be used in a Series 2A suffix C part-synchro box? I have both FRC6996 and the early version (FRC1758) sitting side by side, and apart from the shape and length of the teeth on the centre...