1. Disco-Matt

    Disco 2 Air con issues

    For the money they could be worth a shot. Get the condenser done first though I think as that is covered in tracer fluid so has definitely gone kaput!!
  2. Disco-Matt

    disco 2 for sale breaking 2 off them full motors

    Air con condenser price please bud?
  3. Disco-Matt

    Disco 2 Air con issues

    Yeah so turns out it's the condenser that's goosed!
  4. Disco-Matt

    Disco 2 Air con issues

    That's what I'm thinking has happened, that there's a possible leak at that valve
  5. Disco-Matt

    Disco 2 Air con issues

    It's not the expansion valve, it's the valve you hook the gas up to near the inner wing.
  6. Disco-Matt

    disco 2 for sale breaking 2 off them full motors

    How much low pressure air con pipe near inner wing?
  7. Disco-Matt

    For Sale Breaking Discovery 1

    Does it have air con foxy? Need the low pressure valve rail
  8. Disco-Matt

    Disco 2 Air con issues

    hi all. So yesterday I got my air con topped up, brilliant...lovely cold air!! Until this morning. Absolutely no difference between on and off. Spoke to the guy who topped it up for me and he said that the low pressure valve core was a bit seized, took it out and worked it free again. Didn't...
  9. Disco-Matt

    For sale

    No worries I understand that. How much for the boxes?
  10. Disco-Matt

    For sale

    How much for the CDL selector mechanism and cable?
  11. Disco-Matt

    Other what have u done on ur disco today

    Finally got round to getting the aircon sorted.....basically just needed regassing. But so much better with the weather at the moment
  12. Disco-Matt

    For Sale Breaking Discovery 1

    Buttons and carrier under fuel flap release???
  13. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    I second that penguin....needs a 6th gear
  14. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    I agree matt, I want to separate mine from the man down the road and make it my own
  15. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    Yeah they certainly do have character. I've missed that in a car. I love it to bits
  16. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    Yeah when I was 18 I took an age to do anything too, feel like I'm interrupting it sometimes and I'm rudely making it unlock my doors for me :D
  17. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    I've got a little gripe with mine (first of many I'm sure) the central locking seems a bit dim witted. When I press the button, either first or second time for full unlock, the mechanisms seem to take half a second to decide that they are locks and need to open. Any ideas? Solenoid? Actuators...
  18. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    Glad you're enjoying yours too bazza.
  19. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    Fingers crossed this one has no leaks!!! Sunroof gobbed up just to be sure there lol. Might hold you to that one day Dave. Loves me a cuppa!
  20. Disco-Matt

    First Disco...

    Basically at the end of my road then :D