1. G

    Head Gasket or not!

    Hi folks, try and keep this as detailed but as Breif as I can. Got a 99 td5 disco, first bought it all was well, then the radiator burst, so I installed a new rad and thermostat, All worked fine except it takes absolutely forever to heat up, bled it a million times. No air anytime I did...
  2. G

    Where can I install another coolant sensor

    Hi, any idea where is best to install another coolant sensor on a td5 engine? Have seen the ones you can put in the top hose, but requires cutting. Would rather not, but if needs must. Anyone any idea of the inside diameter of the top hose? Save me stripping it to get a size Also what gauge am...
  3. G

    HELP!! Disco td5 coolant

    Had another play around, rebled again, still the same, temp gauge sits in middle for a few moments, then drops of when driving at low speeds, then goes back up. And so on, would a thermostat stuck open possibly be the cause? I replaced it when I was doing radiator, and it was perfect before.
  4. G

    HELP!! Disco td5 coolant

    I always thought an air lock would give me a sky high temp gauge and heaters not working etc. Everything seems to work as it should. Just temp gauge going up and down. Driving me nuts lol.
  5. G

    HELP!! Disco td5 coolant

    Hi folks, bought a td5 disco just over a week ago, radiator burst, so I've just replaced it. Bled it as the Rave manual said, had heaters, radiators hoses all hot, radiators itself hot. Steady nice flow with no bubbles out the bleed screw, It went up to temp after sitting at quarter on gauge for...
  6. G

    Hi folks

    Brilliant, Thanks very much. I'll go do some reading.
  7. G

    Hi folks

    Hi, thanks, but EKA??? Lol excuse my newbieness lol. Not used to the td5s. And what is rave manual for? Thank for the advice.
  8. G

    Little advice needed

    Hi folks, used to be into off roading in a big way back when when I was 18-25, had a disco 300 tdi, had a set of Insa turbo special tracks on it. Sure they worked out to be a 32" tyre, had to chop bits of arches away, and lift it 2" to get them on. So I bought another landy, 99 disco 2, td5...
  9. G

    Hi folks

    Hi, I'm stevie, stay near Edinburgh, central scotland, Used to be into land rovers in a big way when I was 18-25, done loads of off-roading events, always missed it so thought it's about time I got back into it. Just bought a 1999 td5 disco, I'll get pics up soon, but bog standard, 119k on it...