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    Series 3 Doors on a 110?

    Wattfield, thanks for the link. SP show an S3 door bottom and clearly state it was also used in early Defenders, so that's my question answered.
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    Series 3 Doors on a 110?

    Hi everyone, I am struggling to find replacement doors for my 1984 110, 2.5L NA Diesel. They look, to the eyes of a novice looking at photographs, exactly the same as those on the S3. My doors are of the really old type with sliding windows. Anyone know if they actually are the same?
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    Landy Newbie

    Hi everyone, I sold my MG and bought my first Landy a couple of months ago: a 1984 110, 2.5 NA diesel. Does this qualify as a reverse midlife crisis? I'm 53 and I have lusted after a Land Rover ever since I left the army, 13 years ago, and from the second I started my Landy up I knew it was...