1. R

    Series 3 Advice please fitting a 300TDI into my 109 Series 3

    Thanks for the tip and explanation, so you think it will be ok to cut off the that part of the bracket and remove the union on the flywheel ring as well would there be any benefit in adding some support to the bracket using the old 200tdi mount holes at the front or will it be a waste of time...
  2. R

    Series 111 primary pinion converter

    Hi col For a moment then you made me think of my dad he would have said exactly the same thing. If looking a brand new car with loads of extra gadgets on he would have said "loads more things to go wrong on it then" bless him!
  3. R

    Series 111 primary pinion converter

    I must admit I too was a bit concerned that I was putting in around 115hp in to a box that was originally designed to take possibly only 70-80hp, the key issue fro me was fuel consumption so I tend to be less inclined to be so heavy footed on the accelerator i am not sure if the over drive helps...
  4. R

    Series 3 Advice please fitting a 300TDI into my 109 Series 3

    Yep the originals were taken off some time ago, and then ones welded in place to take the transit engine, these are now totally in the wrong place. so I have ground them off and looking to start again. I am not sure why the 300 brackets have this rear mounting point fixing to the gear ring when...
  5. R

    Series 3 Advice please fitting a 300TDI into my 109 Series 3

    Hi Wondered if anyone might be able to help me with a problem that has arisen whilst fitting a new engine into my series 3 If I can give everyone some basic back ground My 1972 Series three 109 (Originally fitted with the 6 cylinder engine, now long gone), I have taken out the 2.5l Transit...
  6. R

    Series 111 primary pinion converter

    Thanks for the tip I will try that out, after a bit of though I realised that the clutch plate sleeve may need changing an it good to know which plate to get hold of Thanks Jon (Rif)
  7. R

    Series 111 primary pinion converter

    I must admit that would make a lot of sense, the problem is mainly time cost and I would like to retain the original series 3 look with all the gear levers. I might well keep the gearbox from the Disco and put it in another day, the other problem with fitting the range rover diffs, I would like...
  8. R

    Series 111 primary pinion converter

    Hi, this is probably a simple one for people in the know, but I am not sure the best option so I would appreciate some advice. I am currently trying to install a TDI300 engine (Formerly in a Disco 1 1995) into my series three 1972 (Originally (1972) 6cyl petrol) engine, I have just removed prior...
  9. R

    Series 3 Selectro Free wheel hub springs

    Just found a Diagram that might better explain the part I need it the spring attached to part 10 in the diagram. Thanks
  10. R

    Series 3 Selectro Free wheel hub springs

    Thanks for that though hadn't even considered that as a possibility, I will try it out with a local guy and see what they can do, I must admit in the past if I have asked for something bespoke they normally want an arm and a leg for it, but I will give it a go. I have found a company in the...
  11. R

    Series 3 Selectro Free wheel hub springs

    Hi I'm Jon (Rif) a newby to the group and currently renovating a 1968 ex RAF series three (Reg 1972) 109 landy it had a six cylinder engine long ago and now has a transit engine (Diesel) at present I am currently looking to fit a 300tdi in to it. I notice back in 2011 someone posted a...