1. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Managed a bit of fun. No disasters thankfully.
  2. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Thanks for the FB tip
  3. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Landrover forum was the best place to start i thought. I didn't want to go to a forum which is full of Chelsea tractors. Agreed i don't want anything too crazy at all. I'm guessing there are a whole bunch of folks looking to dip their toe into laning rather than tackle the hard core options...
  4. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Thank you all, I think Sue has got the idea. Nothing like hard core tracks as pictured. Something off the road where it is a lane, non tarmac etc. Yes going to the "bastard" would be crazy however as pointed out there could be achievable lanes? I guess nothing is possible without landrover?
  5. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Good advice. Was hoping for some recommendations for very light unmade roads. A lot less than the pics above.
  6. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Ok i have been trying to avoid this if i could It's a Nissan Caravan/Homy 4x4 with all terrain tyres. Now I realise that this is a Land Rover forum, that a Nissan Homy isn't a mountain goat of a vehicle, and it's probably not great off road. I am hoping however it'll handle a few unmade roads...
  7. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Hi Marmaduke, I've been rumbled! I'm not 113! Who would have thunk it! The reason is id security. I am however from Kingston on Thames. Sorry for not making an intro - Richard younger than 113 yrs. Gsoh, etc. The main reason is I don't have a land rover. Awesome as they are they don't suit...
  8. L

    North Wales Green Lanes - Soft Core!!

    Hi all, Can anyone give me some advice of where to get my tyres dirty please? I am going to North Wales shortly near the Barmouth and Snowdownia area. I really do not want any major axle twisters but I would like to get the tyres dirty and go somewhere off the Tarmac. I have looked at a few...