1. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Hmmm..OK..thinking out loud but cant....Sending you a msg....
  2. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Already know them quite well...Looking for our dogs when they go walkabout...groan.. you can only go so far in a transit! :-) Do you come down here? I'm beginning to think i'm running out of time for getting parts and things for this weekend. The sensible (damn..hate that word) part of me says...
  3. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Promise you I dont mind being taught to suck eggs...assume nothing!! Really appreciate your help so far...Beer tokens on their way to you I am a quick learner though! :-)
  4. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    LOL... Printed already and going through with a tooth pick listing what I need! Think I'm jumping in at deep end for my 1st job but hey ho! :-) Do you use Paddock?
  5. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    OOPS!! What did you do?
  6. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Ok can get the bolt! Might not need one but as it's off a new sump gasket? LR or quality 3rd party?
  7. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    DOH! That's if I can get the bolt...
  8. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Cheers fella...so now I'm filled with dread and just want to get the bolt and the plug done. I'm going to do an oil change on Sunday and do the bolt at the same time. So I need to get a jack and some stands and I'll start making a list of tools that I might need. Cant buy everything at once. I...
  9. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    just found this: http://www.discovery2.co.uk/Oil_pump_bolt.html
  10. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    LOL Red plug? Is that not a different website? Looking for Oil Pump bolt thread now.
  11. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    :-) and just driving home i think it's worse again! I havent looked at Oil pump bolt but will shortly. As for EKA I will get the garage to put the diagnostics back on and let me have it. Have you fallen foul of the EKA thing then?
  12. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Cheers Neilly, Thanks for jack and axle stand recs. Just been out for a drive and the disturbance at 60mph feels a tad better. This is a worry for me. Intermittent things are bad! On the plus side I have removed the bitch of a radio. Didn't have a big hammer but I had a very persuasive...
  13. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    cheers fellas... Just tried the WD40 on the tailgate but still no good. So I'll have to get in the door and have a play. Radio is a cd so no room for fingers but if it is supposed to come out with the keys then I will get it out! I do need to buy a trolley jack and axle stands and chocks so I...
  14. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    I like to refer to the 'missus' as 'My current wife'. I think that's fair...she knows where she is then. Brian thanks for advice fella... List of jobs apart from routine servicing that I need to do are: Fit new Gear Bias plate and new leathers. Cant get bits for this weekend Sort out 60mph...
  15. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    ok i'm back up off the floor... :-) Time to start calling in favours! I do have a 20% discount for Halfords so that will help some. Thanks for the effort you put into that mate...Much apprec
  16. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Brian, Neilly...that rave manual is the Dogs...thank you...It's like LR porn....
  17. TimmersOnThePlain

    Disco TD5 not happy 60-75mph

    Thanks for the link and the info Brian, As far as I am able i'm going to do all the work myself from now on. Could have chosen an easier job than props and joints to start with but hey ho. Steep learning curve! I've got a huge flower (logo stuck on) on my roof at the moment as well which I need...
  18. TimmersOnThePlain

    Hello from Salisbury Plain

    I wish i'd seen that buying info link before i'd bought it...good stuff mate... Quite a few things I didnt check like HDC and Off Road button, wastegate among other things.