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    Nostalgic- VSK 923

    Just as an nostalgic up date, I met up with dinger207, Bob, and he has came around to see the old girl. i learnt allot about its history, why the pedals had been made shorter, very tall chap owner her from new, original registration, 379EV and details of ownership from new. Used to...
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    Nostalgic- VSK 923

    Something you might remember on here....
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    Nostalgic- VSK 923

    Much Appreciated, Marmaduke. Contact has been made with old owner... I feel like a kid at Christmas... lol ...
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    HI dinger 207 I own VSK923. happy to chat about it. it still lives in Essex.

    HI dinger 207 I own VSK923. happy to chat about it. it still lives in Essex.
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    Nostalgic- VSK 923

    Does anyone know dinger207? landrover update still have it. still going strong
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    Nostalgic- VSK 923

    HI I own vsk923 its still a green SWB just happened to pop my number plate in goggle and found your post 3rd down... I'm sure your dying to know a little bit about it as am I, I bought her in 2013 from a salvage yard in Sudbury, it had hit a tree sorry state she was too, tree hit centre...