1. M

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    There are special security straps available......called dog leads. A couple of Rotties might help....
  2. M

    Newbie, wannabe!

    Hi Neil. What makes you say a 90 ain't big enough? When I go rough camping, I take a small saw, knife, axe, sleeping bag, sometimes hammock or tent. Other than food (and booze!), don't KNEED anything else. A 90 will hold a fair few extras for comfort on longer trips! OK, I'm a fat, lazy git and...
  3. M

    Newbie, wannabe!

    Hi guys. I'm Malcolm from Monmouth, South Wales. No Landy yet, but I'm lurking and learning here. I have images in my head of my perfect Landy, but there are so many of them it's hard to decide what I'm going to go with in the end. I'd like to do a bit of green landing and also some wild...