1. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    So the mechanic took the head off today and said its not good news. he can see that its is fecked! i think he said he can see that its cracked. Black gunky watery oil is everywhere even in the some hoses to the turbo. Water has got down to the sump and has been pushed around the engine. I...
  2. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    The mechanic has just said worst case would be the head being damaged. He is going to take it off and send it away to be tested. I really hope it’s ok then it will be £600 to repair the head gasket.
  3. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    Yeah I know. I hope it’s not the end for it. I actually really like the car and it’s fairly low mileage for the year. 95k ish. And for that price range there is nothing that I like that will do the same job. The mechanic said the same thing when I rang him, that he would be surprised if it is...
  4. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    Update: The head gasket has gone! Lost power the other day and temp went right up and the fans actually kicked in. Got it home and had lost all water. checked the oil and there is water in there! It’s been taken To a mechanic now and I’ve got my fingers crossed that the head isn’t damaged...
  5. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    Very odd. Hopefully someone on here will be able to help.
  6. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    the expansion tank is cracked around the top. Could this be the cause of losing coolant?. some days i drive for 20 minutes and check the water again and its fine and other days it will be empty even after a short journey. On other occassions it will be fine when i get home and then left over...
  7. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    I will check the expansion tank tomorrow for cracks. The hissing sound or air/steam escaping shouldn’t be happening then? if I turn the ac on the 2 big fans in behind the radiator should kick in immediately? I will try the ac Tomorrow. I know I’ve tried the ac but it never got cold so just...
  8. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Cooling fans

    Hi everyone. I have had the freelander over a year now. With your help I have flushed the cooling system and fitted a new thermostat into the hose at the top as the original thermostat is stuck open and the coolant had gone funny. It’s the colour it should be now. I Also bypassed the egr...
  9. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    So just to update you all. I spent a few hours working on the freelander on Sunday. I fitted the new thermostat into the top radiator hose and while I was at it I fitted the EGR valve blank/bypass and cleaned the inlet manifold. I also gave the leather seats a good clean as they had been...
  10. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    What has everyone found to be best to clean the inlet manifold when I do the egr bypass/blank?
  11. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Yes I used the pink OAT coolant. I flushed everything through a few times by removing the bottom hose. I even top the top hose off as well and put water through the radiator using a hose pipe. I will keep an eye on the coolant but will probably change the coolant again in a few weeks and flush...
  12. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Thanks, i will get one ordered up. Now This will sound like a silly question. What size Jubilee clips will i need? I'm guessing 45mm-60mm? Also I have decided while I am at it I am going to do the EGR bypass/blanking as well. I have seen loads of them on ebay for sale. Are there any that i...
  13. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    https://www.dmgrs.co.uk/products/rover-75-mg-zt-cdti-inline-thermostat-89-degrees Is this the correct thermostat kit to do the mod on my freelander 04 td4 HSE ?
  14. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    I'm not sure I found one as you stand in front of the car to the back right on a pipe going into the cabin. I guess the heating?
  15. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Today's update. I took the bottom hose off and drained all what was in there. There was more than I thought to be honest. I then flushed clean water through from the water tank. I the took the top hose off the radiator and put a hose pipe with clean water in it and flushed the radiator out. I...
  16. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Thanks for you suggestion. I did try with the bleed screw.
  17. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Thanks. He said as long as it doesnt have the powerball in the tablet it will be alright!!! I wont be ringing him again! My plan is Tomorrow to will drain it all out again from the bottom radiator hose and and try and get a much clean water through it as possible. I was going to try and put...
  18. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    I'm quite happy to do this but I think I am going to still have the same issue. Why isnt the water going back into the system when i am filling the water tank up. Also does anyone know why the water went that colour and had a layer of foam on it? Is it rust in the radiator?
  19. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    Well a bit. Not as much as there should be. I drained the system and can't get water back in it.
  20. M

    New FreeLander owner needs help please

    If someone had already done the mod would it be in the top radiator pipe? As I was squeezing that earlier and it didn't feel like anything was in that pipe.