1. N

    new and lost!

    thank you :D @ sorry i have not been on sooner but caught that nasty ass bug that seems to be going around! Carrying on where i left off: I got the disco home eventually, HAZZZAH!!! i changed the compressor and it was still sat on the arches, left it a day and it pumped up, drove 3 miles, DING...
  2. N

    new and lost!

    yeah why she was cheap :D i don't have a rave workshop manual.....or nanocom yet
  3. N

    new and lost!

    i got my mate coming over in an hour going to go try tackle it again, i was really certain the compressor had gone but now i think there is loose wire somewhere or SLABS is a bit messed up. i got what you call the 3 amigos pop up a few times but thought nothing off it as it reset and changed...
  4. N

    new and lost!

    i got 2 compressors here as i thought that was the problem which im pretty sure both work now after swapping it. i thought the compressor might be defective causing the warning lights but now i think otherwise changed the fuses and relays under the bonnet too.
  5. N

    Newbie to the forum :D

    Newbie to the forum :D
  6. N

    new and lost!

    Thank you biggeeeee & neilly for the warm welcome :D. Im in cholsey, i left the disco on side of road(muddy bank) after changing compressor with no joy and couldn't spend more time fiddling with xmas errands and so had to abandon her!!!! which my other half can see i wont stop thinking about it...
  7. N

    new and lost!

    hey all :D, just changed from a transporter t5 to a discovery 2 and had it for the past few months, i also own a 52 f6 which im restoring. i really like the disco and got it cheap as it had problems but nothing over the top, the engine runs really well but seems to have a mind of its own with...