1. T

    Water pump now fixed

    Update!! Gogadget, You sir are indeed correct the original gasket has little tabs that need to be snapped in order to get the old gasket off, thank you for your help in this matter. For anyone that cares I will tell you how the last two weeks have panned out .(and for anyone who has read this...
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    Water pump now fixed

    Ok that was a lie, the pulley is the crank pulley
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    Water pump confusion mayday!

    I spotted that too, I think I've move it (or more accurately cut and pasted it in a new thread) in the freelander section and have got some responses, thank you for your help
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    Water pump now fixed

    The bridging points.... at the very bottom of the old gasket I can feel, a bridging point however the whole right hand side of the old gasket seems to be staying put, it looks like it has a bolt (either from the engine mount thing with the 4 or 5 bolts, or the left side of the power steering...
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    Water pump now fixed

    Yep £700 did seem a bit steep, especially as they charged me only £40 to fit the blue o-ring on the thermostat/coolant rail (after my heroic attempt at fitting the thermostat house only to lose that o-ring.....lesson learned, this time I have 2 o-rings)
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    Water pump now fixed

    Thank you your response Valid point! Just from reading lots of sh*tty reply people post, I have never wanted to receive that kind abuse lol, though to be fair that's based mostly on the driftworks forum.... someone of those guys are just mean! I've steered clear of facebook too, though my...
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    Water pump now fixed

    I just wrote all of this out just to post it in the wrong place Hello Land Rover-its! I am wondering if you dear people of the internet can help with a drama I'm have with fitting a water pump. Things to note, 1:dispite only being 31, I think forums, facebook and most other social media...
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    Water pump confusion mayday!

    Hello Land Rover-its! I am wondering if you dear people of the internet can help with a drama I'm have with fitting a water pump. Things to note, 1:dispite only being 31, I think forums, facebook and most other social media things of the internet suck, so I tend to use google or just guess...