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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Hi Slimbob Yes i am on the main road, I did ask about the camera's but was told that they don't record just have a live feed, to be honest I don't think the police have any intention of investigating.
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    Stolen Defender 130

    Very true
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    Stolen Defender 130

    Not sure if you know but there is a Facebook site called landywatch, set up to try and track stolen landies down,maybe worth putting the details on there as well
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    Stolen Defender 130

    I will keep my eyes open around the Maidstone area. cheers Andy
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Cheers, I hope I get it back too, wouldn't wish blindest on anyone but I would quite happily tar and feather them and maybe the odd spot of public flogging in the stocks
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    I don't mind you saying,fair point, but on the other hand I have a friend who had the one best alarms fitted, a tracker and loads of other mechanical deterrents, two guys in broad daylight with the alarms still going off loaded onto the back of a trailer and were gone in less that five minutes...
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Here we go folks, thanks to google for the latest picture.you never know someone might see it Cheers Andy
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Hi Neilly Not indelicate at all, happy to help. Nothing fancy in the way of security, It was usually parked hard up against the house and impossible to move anywhere without starting it, but unfortunately the night it was stolen it wasn't in that position, I am guessing that they got in her and...
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Thanks, I hope I do too cheers
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Thanks very sad indeed, where are they all going, never any spares out there when I was looking.
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    Hi Neilly Thanks for the reply, The piccies are on my wife's phone, i will try and download later, she has uploaded piccies to Landywatch though if you want to have a look. cheers
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    Stolen 3 days ago

    **PLEASE SHARE*** Our blue Land Rover 90 County with white roof, side snorkel, full black roof rack "jeep recovery sticker in the rear window,both rear light holder metal angles are bright yellow ( don't ask) D685 XUF was stolen last night. It was parked on our drive, right outside our house...