1. J

    Back in the game

    I'll let you all know when I have her home ( tues or wed ) and the inevitable happens. It's had new brake discs, pads, front arms and a major service....so I'm 'hoping' I'll be ok for a month or two
  2. J

    I'm back to the madness after a break

    I tried to scare myself by looking at dirty pictures of my old td5
  3. J

    I'm back to the madness after a break

    I'm just hoping the big things go wrong before the 6 month warranty runs out :D......or I've found the unicorn unbreakable one
  4. J

    Back in the game

  5. J

    Back in the game

    Get her early next week Guess the first issue I'll have and you win a prize 4.4l tdv8 autobiography, 140k, fsh,
  6. J

    I'm back to the madness after a break

    I've plunged back into the JLR pit after a few years away and this time I've got myself a 4.4l FFRR....I was going between old D3's...slightly newer D4 and ended up with a FFRR
  7. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    well I'm happy to report that it survived a 230 mile journey south - I had the Nanocom set-up and the coolant temp stayed in the 85 to 86 range the whole way.....so looks like it was successful. Lets hope it lasts now! Need to refill the a/c....can I do this as DIY or is it best left to the...
  8. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    I also took the starter apart and cleaned it all up and it starts with no problems now. When my repair kit gets here I will change out the contacts though. The starter is quite easy to remove
  9. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    I did forget the fan....! It's on now, but thankfully it was a cool day so it made no difference to coolant temp.
  10. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    Took her for a longer journey and all was well. The nanocom was showing coolant temp staying between 84 and 86. When I had the limp mode kick in it went up to 117. I've whipped the starter off and ordered the repair kit so hopefully that will come early next week. Then I had a trip down south...
  11. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    Well..... Firstly there was a leak around the new thermostat.... I hate those clips! Secondly the starter was just clicking and not turning over.... After a couple of minutes and about 30 turns of the key she came to life.... Spluttering at first and then smoothed out. It looks like I have...
  12. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    I did remember this and is now on
  13. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    Right then...day of truth I'm mostley certain that eveything is where is should be and all that is left is to put anti-freeze in, connect the battery and switch her on Wish me luck :eek:
  14. J

    Hopefully no big mistake ??

    I've installed the rocker shaft and adjusted the pins for the injectors as per the rave manual. manually turned the engine loads and I don't seem to be hitting any valves so it must all still be correctly timed for the crankshaft pin timing hole....I'm assuming that oil will come out if I...
  15. J

    Hopefully no big mistake ??

    I've just finished putting my head back back on the engine. I haven't yet put on the rocker shaft. Now I manual turned the engine to see if the camshaft was free to turn....all was well....but as I was turning the engine I remembered that the rocker shaft wasn't on. Is all I need to do is keep...
  16. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    the injectors are in the same order as they came out....I made sure of that......second time round that is
  17. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    Right then....I have the head on and bolted down. I had to rig up a makeshift system using bendy ladders as there was no way I was going to get it on by just using my hands All bolted down Just need to put the rest of it together and see what happens Once it is all back...
  18. J

    Probable H/G failure fix journey of a novice

    Thanks very much!
  19. J

    Question on head gasket failure diagnosis

    I've had the head skimmed and I'm just getting all the bits together to re-assemble can anyone tell me what this gasket and 6 washers are for please ?