1. B

    Rave disk maintenance manual

    Hi Hippo and GrumpyGel. cheers guys, good efforts. The link Grumpygel sent worked and got the full Rave. Took some effort to get the clone drive prog working on my windows laptop but success. Cheers now!!
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    Rave disk maintenance manual

    I will give it a go thanks. Tried two separate versions, one PDF and one ISO. Both from Hippo links, Also then tried another ISo file from http://www.myrangerover.co.uk/rave-workshop-manual/ will try and open using the prog you suggest will advise!
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    Rave disk maintenance manual

    Hi Hippo and co got the rave manuals and opened but missing all sections of interest to me like the repair fuel system diesel and other TD4 sections. Anyone have any ideas they will be most welcome as have a freelander td4 2005 in bits and need some tech info!! cheers
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    IRD oil

    The difference is very small though. I guess we go with the recommended! Hard to find it though!! Cheers Nodge68!
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    IRD oil

    Hi any reason we can not use 80W90 APIGL5 instead of the recommended 75W90? Will it mess the IRD up? FL TD4 manual 105K miles done. Advice most welcome!
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    Hello all from sunny Wales

    Just round the corner in Gorslas and we've see the sun every day, for a mnute or two anyway!
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    Hello all from sunny Wales

    Hi All! Nice site, I dont know much about forums and threads so its a bit of exploration for me so patience gents!! New to the site and searching info for a 2005 freelander td4 with all sorts of problems that appear on longer runs. Engine light comes on on hills occasionally and the revs drop...