1. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Cheers for that Jon. I'm going to try and drop the oil and check the pinion and take it from there. As I say with the prop fitted it drives fine no knocking etc until you put it on full lock, 3/4 lock it's fine. With the prop off there are no symptoms at all. With the IRD shot it then enters...
  2. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    :) Great pic. I'll certainly do the tests on my CVU and depending what I find with the other bits (IRD and diff) will enable me to make the call on a recon VCU. Watch this space
  3. Giantdog

    My New Discovery 3

    technically both I suppose, she has t 2 functioning kidneys and keeps my gentleman bits in her handbag.
  4. Giantdog

    My New Discovery 3

    Ooo it's purdy. I've gone a bit tingly in my gentleman bits. I'd have to sell a kidney to get one at the moment, that said the missus has 2. I'm sure she wouldn't miss one.
  5. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Because I'm a bit odd like that my thinking at this point after walking the dogs is to: Put it back on and do the OWUT as there is data on here from others that have done it, I can then add my findings. As you say I've got to strip it down anyway then do the bench test. I'm interested in what...
  6. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Humph. Today it has actually stopped raining so I thought I'd have a quick look at bench testing the VCU. But It looks a bit more tricky than I thought. I thought clamp one end in the vice and rotate the other end prop through 90 degree, attach weight and Bobs your uncle. Nar, ain't gonna...
  7. Giantdog

    Hello new disco owner.

    Hiya, I'm new here too. Real friendly bunch
  8. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    I'm really kicking myself for not doing the OWUT but it was soo friggin cold and wet. I had to change clothes 3 times during the job I was so wet. I will do the bench test and video it. When we altered out house extension: me "that room needs to be converted into a garage" missus "no, I want...
  9. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    On the Bells video of the bench test of the VCU it states a bar length of 780mm (it actually just looks like one half of the prop shaft, I could be wrong) and a weight of 7Kg. It appears to take approx. 6 seconds to rotate from the 45 degree angle to level with the ground. Will give it a go
  10. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Thank you very much everyone. I know it would have been best to do the OWUT but as I say the weather was terrible today and with only having a few hours I thought I'd best get the car in a runnable condition. I'll look into the bench test but may just run it over to Bell and have them look at...
  11. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Must admit that's where I'm looking at the moment :( It was only a get back through winter kinda buy but I do like it.
  12. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    It's cer It's certainly looking that way wammers. It drives fine on 2WD but for how long is the question. I only paid £400 for it with a pretty new set of tires, new cat and 11 months MOT so I'll not lose much selling it for spares if worse comes to the worse. It's just that I quite like it...
  13. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    The problem I'm having is how to isolate which bit is the problem.
  14. Giantdog

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Thrashed mine with a tree branch Basil Faulty like :mad:
  15. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    Well, after an enchanting couple of hours underneath the Freelander I've wrestled the prop shaft off. I didn't do the OWUT as it was absolutely p#*%ing it down, I'm wet through, freezing cold and proper p'd off. I'm going to test the VCU in a vice and will post the results later. I'm going to...
  16. Giantdog

    VCU Torque test results

    That makes a lot of sense thank you very much. I'm going to do both (keeps me out of trouble) just wish it'd stop bloomin raining
  17. Giantdog

    VCU Torque test results

    I agree and that's why I'm sat here at 06:00 in the morning waiting for daylight to do the test :)
  18. Giantdog

    VCU Torque test results

    Because it mentions jacking a rear wheel up? The OWUT does this. That you'd have to stand (average UK male weighs 83Kg) on a 2 foot (609mm} bar to move it the wheel? The OWUT uses a 1.5m bar with 5KG And that if the rear wheel moves it still doesn't indicate whether the VCU is any good? If...
  19. Giantdog

    Freelander 1 Full lock lurches

    I really appreciate everyone taking the time to share their knowledge, a forum is only as good as it's members and you have really given me a lot of help. I'm going to do the test tomorrow although there's a monsoon blowing outside at the moment (05:57 in the UK) then Take the whole prop off...