1. M

    Thanks for your words of wisdom, all I have read stated that some software tool was needed to...

    Thanks for your words of wisdom, all I have read stated that some software tool was needed to complete the bleed. It all seems okay at the moment, if I do need to adjust the travel on the pedal what’s involved. That way I will know what tool to keep in the truck. All the best Alan.
  2. M

    Discovery td5,bleeding brakes

    Okay that's good to know, how do I get access to the servo adjustment. I'm assuming it must somewhere near the top of the pedal where it pivets. Thanks for your help,that should keep me busy tomorrow.
  3. M

    Discovery td5,bleeding brakes

    Hi am I going to be able to bleed the brakes after replacing the master cylinder without the aid of a computer, or will I need to take it to a garage please.