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    For Sale +2 suspension. Decarbon shocks & TF springs

    can anyone tell me if this set up will fit a discovery 2
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    new boy

    Hi Iam tryin g to ask a tecnical question in one of the roooms but it wont allow me ??
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    new boy

    Hi new boy here,well not exacltly a boy but you know what i mean,Ive come from the dark side "Hilux" to a TD5 Disco as its servoes my shooting purposes better,done a few mods roff m ount lamp madea a nice teo man shooitng hatch but a few more things to do,on going project but arnt they all LOL
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    For Sale +2 suspension. Decarbon shocks & TF springs

    Hi mate is thios still for sale and how much would you like