1. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    thanks all I'm going to stick with my 12 plate Evoque which is faultless so far, I've not been inspired with confidence by what I have read here or anywhere else to be honest about the FF. I'm sure they are a world apart to drive and sit in, but I seriously don't have the time or patience for a...
  2. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    Newsflash, car in depreciation shocker
  3. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    Not really sure what the comment above about leasing means. I have £35k, if I spend that on a 2012 Westminster & run it for 6 years it will be worth say £10k at the end, costing me £25k plus maintenance. To lease a new one would involve putting maybe £7k down, then monthly payments of around...
  4. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    You could say that about anything though couldn't you, at some point you decide what pricepoint to buy, for example I could buy a £1k Rangey, and put £34k aside for repairs Typically newer cars should have less faults as they are a later development and also parts generally wear over time These...
  5. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    Sorry double post
  6. P

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable?

    Was there a year when P322 reliability became acceptable? As in, as reliable as a normal car? I'm not expecting perfection but not a constant nag of nigles with the odd expensive failure I have a budget of £35k to buy a rr, can get a 2012 2012 for that price. Looking at 4.4 tdv8. I'm...