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    Range Rover classic restoration

    fantastic thread, as someone new to the forum and looking to buy a classic RR to do up a bit in the next couple of months (without the metal work!!) threads like this are worth every penny!
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    Thanks. There seem to be some about although not loads. As long as the metals okay I can sort the other bits over time☺
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    thanks Marmaduke i'll take a look later, hopefully when i'm in a position to buy in a couple of months there will still some :)
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    Hi all, thanks for letting me join. Currently i dont own an landrover of any sort but am looking to get a Classic Range Rover in a couple of months. I dont want to spend a fortune, £1-2k at the most, if anyone has one coming up for sale let me know. I'm not that fussy other than 5 doors, a V8...