1. P

    Looking to buy first Defender. Advice please.

    I cant thank you all enough for your input. It's really appreciated and so much food for thought. I'm really not interested in comfort. Most of my journeys are 5 miles or less. My work colleague with the Land Rover is pretty good mechanically so maybe I can press gang him into helping! Thank...
  2. P

    Looking to buy first Defender. Advice please.

    Thank you all. I have driven one. I also ride sixty year old motorcycles so my comfort expectations are low!
  3. P

    Looking to buy first Defender. Advice please.

    Hello, Looking to buy my first Defender. Been tempted for many years but a work colleague has just bought one so seeing it every day has really whetted my appetite again. I have a few criteria, I dont know how realistic they are, but i'll present them anyway. I have a budget of £10K, maybe a...
  4. P

    Hello, Pete from Wales. Looking to buy first Defender and looking for some advice.

    Hi! I am from 'pretend' Wales - Cardiff! Thanks for the offer, may well take you up on that!
  5. P

    Hello, Pete from Wales. Looking to buy first Defender and looking for some advice.

    Hello, Hoping for some advice on first Defender purchase. Where best to post please? here or in Defender specific forum? Thanks Pete