1. SouthAfricanKeith

    11 countries, 55000kms, 15 months in a 300tdi

    Hi- I thought long and hard on tubeless versus tube issue and in the end decided on sticking with the tubeless alloys- ultimately I think this was the right choice for a number of reasons- of the 5 punctures we had I never had to remove the wheel to fix it just stuck in a plug and re-pumped the...
  2. SouthAfricanKeith

    11 countries, 55000kms, 15 months in a 300tdi

    Greetings fellow Land Rover fans Myself and my wife have just returned to the UK after a 15 month trip in southern and eastern Africa in our trusty (shipped from the UK) Defender 300TDi. We had an excellent trip and learn a vast about about traveling in that area so would like to share this...