1. Nick108

    Key doesn’t turn to unlock position on Disco 2 to so can’t enter EKA CODE

    All sorted and key turned in a door to unlocking position. Lock was jammed and took about 10-15 minutes to wiggle and gently press to opening side with bit of a help of penetration oil so at the end it let loose. I managed to start the car with EKA code and on my surprise it started within a 2...
  2. Nick108

    Key doesn’t turn to unlock position on Disco 2 to so can’t enter EKA CODE

    Thanks anyway Dan, guy who changed clutch on my LR90 my have it so I’ll ask him if he can help me. But I would really like to found out why key doesn’t turn to unlocking position. Maybe if I manage to get a programmed keys with fobs with Nanocom than I don’t even need a key entry although it’s...
  3. Nick108

    Key doesn’t turn to unlock position on Disco 2 to so can’t enter EKA CODE

    Car is not stolen or recovered, it was donated to a charity and parked in industrial car park where charity I’m volunteer with have its warehouse. Unfortunately warehouse man who had a keys where car was parked died last year and his family took all the stuff including this Land Rover keys and...
  4. Nick108

    Key doesn’t turn to unlock position on Disco 2 to so can’t enter EKA CODE

    Hi guys I don’t have any keys and got a key made by locksmith by barrel code and it turning in ignition and lights up everything but in a door barrel it turns to locking position it lock the door but to turn right to unlocking position it’s feel solid and doesn’t turn. I took door card off and...
  5. Nick108


    Thanks guys I'll check whirring as My Old Landy suggest. Everything worked fine than stopped i wiggled bit whire on old one cleaned it worked again for a day and stopped dead. I replaced it after few weeks but as I said jump up high. Do you think it my be different calibration on certain parts...
  6. Nick108


    Hi Martyn nobody reply to your post and that was quite a while ago but do you remember or did you find the problem? I just changed water temperature transmitter PRC 2505 on my 2.5 NA as old one stop working an now my gauge also sits in a gap between white and red after about 5-10 minutes...
  7. Nick108

    top speed

    Yeah steel capped ;)
  8. Nick108

    top speed

    Have mate who work with me and we live short distance from each other. He have latest BMW, we leave yard around same time it's about 10 miles journey (7m on motorway M1) he take advantage on motorway, but I catch up with him on traffic lights and we arrive home aroun same time. And yeah...
  9. Nick108

    top speed

    I get your point and by the way I'm HGV clas 1 driver with over 20 years on the road. My point is not about hanging aroun HGVs, but that time vise I can reach any destination even by driving 55mph. After all HGVs are limited to 50-56mph so it's not a big deal. I don't have td5 or better so I'm...
  10. Nick108

    top speed

    It's old tread but just to say my1985 90 2.5na it's going fine 55mph can go bit more but is it really necessary? 235 85 16 tyres and 1.44 transfer box. It keep speed with HGVs and I'm fine with that(maybe not uphill ) I thought to get better speed by swapping transfer box as sugested by Dave...