1. N

    Are Green Lanes only for the serious 4x4?

    I meant it as a general rule ...if in general it required a high degree of skill, it would probably be something I would avoid because I don't have the experience. If however there are allot of lanes out there where you don't need to handle cross axle, high angle moves then great. I've been...
  2. N

    Are Green Lanes only for the serious 4x4?

    Yep, I'm taking the necessary steps to get the info before travel and contact my local GLASS rep for the latest info Yep, I am looking for some local groups that I could possibly join to get a first look at operating procedures. Yep, completely aware of the sensitive nature with vehicles and...
  3. N

    Are Green Lanes only for the serious 4x4?

    WOOW Amazing and that is the sort of country I want to see. Stunning stuff. The UK has so much to offer here. re group travel, your image is precisely my concern. If you get stuck, what generally are your options? I imagine AA don't come to the rescue. Who actually would you be calling for...
  4. N

    Are Green Lanes only for the serious 4x4?

    Hey mate, Thanks for the reply :) As mentioned in my post, we aren't too keen on the 4x4 technical side but more just want to get to really remote places and see some awesome country side (and camp if possible yeah). I do allot of aerial photography so am looking for spots not so frequently...
  5. N

    Are Green Lanes only for the serious 4x4?

    Hi all, I'm looking to buy a 4x4 for the express purposes of exploring the UK's massive green lane network. It seems you can cover some amazing country with them and see the "real" landscape ...I've traveled allot of the UK on tarmac and always wished I was up in the hills, quiet and seeing...