1. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Thanks Thanks Julian for the offer. I would probably arrange temporary cover. My motorhome is also lhd and I have exactly the same problem. There is no complete substitute for direct eye balling. My blind spot is relatively small but the mirrors don't help really because you are viewing at an...
  2. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I'm sure your Discovery is much more luxurious than my motorhome.. But I'm really talking about the comfort of being able to do all the basics... store / cook food under variety of weather conditions, wash, the loo, etc etc. In the short term you can improvise but not in the long term. To be...
  3. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I'm sure you will agree that with camping (like most things) there is no substitute for experience. I don’t think you can draw conclusions from a few days camping or even a couple of weeks camping, and assume the same applies to 3 or 6 months. Long term camping should be enjoyable rather than...
  4. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    The Landys look great with the roof tent....but for a solo traveller I can't see the point when compared to using a hammock. I think maybe this thread is getting a bit long because the roof tent suggestion keeps popping up ;-) and I keep making the same comments. My guess is you could set up a...
  5. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    That would be too much of a sacrifice comfort wise. I'm planning on spending a couple of months in the Alps this winter so don't really fancy the idea of living out of the back of a car.
  6. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I have briefly, around a yard off road. It did come as a bit of a shock but not sure whether it was just that vehicle or 101s in general. I've made a couple of posts asking anyone with a good 101 in the SW if they could give me a quick peek. So far no one has offered.
  7. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Good point. It's a heart Vs head thing. I'm a bit uncomfortable with the "motorhome image" and believe I will look and feel at least 10 years younger in a Landy lol
  8. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I agree with you 100%. Its a trade between comfort on the road and comfort when you pitch. I guess I've done the comfortable pitch bit so I would like to try having a vehicle thats a bit more agile. I think the 101 could be a great compromise size wise, but I would be concerned about its on road...
  9. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    That's s great point. That said I'm guessing no one buys a 101 truly believing it's the sensible option, regardless what they might say to their wife :-)
  10. John Laws

    101 Owners in Devon / SW ?

    I am giving some serious thought to getting a 101 to use as a camper/exped vehicle. I would be using it for long trips so thechallenge would be to make it comfortable enough for that. I went to view my first 101 today but realised I have no idea what a good one should look like or drive like...
  11. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I must admit I did think being that far back was odd and worry about cooling.... Both the engine and the occupants! I will attach another pic but I'm not sure if it helps. I didn't really drive it other than around the yard. It's on Sorn so the owner was reluctant to take it out. There was a...
  12. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I viewed by first 101 FC today. I definitely think it could be the solution I'm after. This one was based on a GS with a new body built from 2"box steel. If anything it looked even better in reality than in a photo. Great proportions, clean lines and perfect angles. Unfortunately it's probably...
  13. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    I'm sure they are great. I've never tried one but when I compare it to using a camping hammock I struggle to see the point. It's possible to set a hammock up inside a vehicle, you can also use your vehicle as one of the tie off points which increases the number of suitable locations a lot. It's...
  14. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Great thanks Stew
  15. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

  16. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    and the bed takes up all floor space rear of the door. I'm sure the owner was much more interested in the vehicle and it's history and not that bothered about creating an exped vehicle
  17. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    That is what I am hoping. I need a solid platform to start with. Thanks for your comments, if I view I will let you know what's going on with all boxing in. Even the lower box seems too far to the rear to be engine although I guess it must be. Maybe it's just an access bay.
  18. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Lol Remot Sounds interesting Stew. Particularly if it's Road ready and only needs kitting out. My email address is Crash17.email@gmail.com Many thanks.
  19. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Could well be what I end up with minus the roof tent (see above)
  20. John Laws

    Camper Advice Please

    Will definitely check it out, Thanks