1. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Going to put a water butt filler fing on me castle drain pipe. Need some hose ferrit to run over to me garage guttering. Was in homebase and seen the hoses so bort one. Got home to realise me hose ain't big enuff in diamter to go on the fitting.
  2. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Gottid 4 plant pot saucers. Stewart 15 inch or 38cm. They aint. They is 36cm. Need more but garden centre won't order em for me. Have to keep going back. Need 36 more. Edgar's chuffed wiv his.
  3. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Might av bin a tiger.
  4. Hippo

    I would just like to say

  5. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    He makes some mistakes like the diesels being a Peugeot DW12 but tis a good vid.
  6. Hippo

    I would just like to say

  7. Hippo

    I would just like to say

  8. Hippo

    I would just like to say

  9. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Ask yer wimmins
  10. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Eye was going to post up the pick ov army tratters stacked up in a scrap yard but fort betterer ovvit as it may o'fend. Probably bin hammered strsight and peeps daily ride by now.
  11. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Is persil washing powder betterer than fairy washing powder at cleaning yer clothes?
  12. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Somefink magical happened earlier. Eye were gerrin me washing oft the line. Ah din't spot the squirrel on me garage apex until coming back oot to fill me burd feeder. Eye stopped by me castle as soon as eye spottid him. Paused then went inside to drop a nut oot the window. He came down and...
  13. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Years ago the filthy tratterers would regularly invade the Freelander section to offer advise like burn it, fit a v8, its rubbish etc. They did so for fun, envious of our beautiful reliable Freelanders. Often a crowd of them would turn up making the place a mess while dragging their nuckles frew...
  14. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Wrong again. All yer being asked to do is add one match to make the highest number. It dunt ask yer to move natches. Yer adding it to the current formation. Ignore the comments. They have taken a puzzle beyond wot its asking yer to do.
  15. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    The answer is 903. All yer doing is adding a match to the current formation.
  16. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Add one match to the 5 to make a 9.
  17. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Today eye have heard me squirrels climb me fence many times. On 2 occasions eye dropped a nut oot the windows. Wivvin 6 seconds the medium one climbed down to gerrit. Early days burreye is hoping he/she is starting to realise eye is providing food ferrem and not scary.
  18. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Yer only got to add one match to increase the number. But which option produces the highest number.
  19. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Each model that came oot helped lr grow. They needed to sell more to fund development. The big change came when the FL came oot as sales took oft massively. When the big FL came oot in 1970 sales were reasonable but no where near todays figures. Same fer disco. New owners to the brand bring in...
  20. Hippo

    I would just like to say

    Yer need to check the company is registered on companies house. There will be a registration number. Yer can also check wiv the law peeps they is propper legal peeps anorl. Wiv being a tratterer yer be seen as soft in the head. So a primary target fer scams.