1. M

    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Thank you all for your replies, think we have found the problem, thanks Grif (Landmark2) found a split pipe that has now been replaced and kangaroo's have gone sounds much better too
  2. M

    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Thank you Graham most helpful will look into buying a new one
  3. M

    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Yes kangaroo effect! What is the waste gate actuator and where is it located thanks
  4. M

    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Where would I find it and what should I do
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    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Fuel filter changed about 9 months ago new fuel pump 6 months ago not sure about others, have thought about changing filter
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    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

  7. M

    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Hi it started after towing our horse trailer up a long hill it really struggled once it reached around 2500 revs had to keep changing gears, now it seems to over rev sometimes and can't go to close to 3000 revs it didn't do it all the time very intermittent
  8. M

    Disco owner from wales

    Hi everyone, im new to this forum. I own a Discovery 2 TD5, but i'm having some issues to which someone out there could helpme with.
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    Disco 2 TD5 Juddering

    Need some advice! My Disco 2 TD5 every so often has a problem with the steering wheel really juddering then it goes away, had a new tracking rod fitted for MOT and been re-tracked. any ideas what it could be? Also, when it reaches 2750 revs going up the gears it starts chugging ok once gear...
  10. M

    Steering wheel Judder

    Need some advice! My Disco 2 TD5 every so often has a problem with the steering wheel really juddering then it goes away, had a new tracking rod fitted for MOT and been re-tracked. any ideas what it could be? Also, when it reaches 2750 revs going up the gears it starts chugging ok once gear...