1. patbretagne

    Leaking 90

    Ah yes, what in my younger Landie days was called the Bulkhead and which had a wonderful habit of getting severe attacks of rust in it! Pat
  2. patbretagne

    Turbo pressure.

    I don't think the adjective GOOD is good enough, the difference!!!
  3. patbretagne

    Turbo pressure.

    Thanks all of you, I spent a lot of time thinking and looking to no avail, I was just ready to shell out for someone to have a gander at it when in the crud under the elbow at the bottom of the steel pipe to the intercooler, I saw a split wonderfully disguised as a thick greasy spot! Replaced...
  4. patbretagne

    Leaking 90

    Hi good to know, what do you call the aframe? Pat
  5. patbretagne

    Timing Belt help

    Hey Charlotte, thanks indeed, that seems very much simpler than the speel given in the link above your reply, where one has to take off the pulley using special tools etc??? I'll havelookunderthebonnettomorrowto see. Best wishes and thanks Pat
  6. patbretagne

    Timing Belt help

    Thanks dewils, that's a useful link Pat
  7. patbretagne

    Timing Belt help

    It's me again, hope you can help me, the previous owner of our defender LHD was not sure when the belt was changed so as a precaution I want to get it done, I've a 1200km trip to do to darkest Dordoigne to pick up another tractor for restoration in 2 weeks. Is it feasable to carry this out...
  8. patbretagne

    Turbo pressure.

    Hi again it's the new boy! Although in general Landies do not pose an engineering problem for me, can someone tell me how take-apart-able is the Turbo fitted to my engine, it's not producing much pressure at all, even at high engine revs, any ideas please, there is no vibration, it does go...
  9. patbretagne


    is it possible to send photo, sounds interesting! I don't know about getting them over to France, but?? anything is possible, best wishes and thanks Pat
  10. patbretagne

    Turbo pressure.

    Thanks very much for your reply, I'll have a go at checking this weekend, if not, as you say "hit the wallet"! Thanks again 80 Pat
  11. patbretagne


    Anyone got some standard, LR, Sankey, pressed steel, ordinary, everyday wheels spare, I've got something on my new one that isn't good looking and when I next change tyres I'd like to change to the orig spec, just for looks really, call me ole fashon, but, that's me Thanks Pat
  12. patbretagne

    Probably stupid question from a newbie!

    Yea Gaspode is right the gauze was designed for petrol, deisel is thicker and frofths up , I took mine out, when filling up at a reputable pump, do we need a filter? Out of a can that's got rust and dead mice in, I would advise using the filter!! Pat Good idea it's raining and someone leant...
  13. patbretagne

    HELP: Transfer box stuck in neutral....

    I can remeber years ago on a Ser2 that the selector rod for the 2/4 wd gets a lot of mud and crud on it and does occasionally need cleaning up outside, I also seem to remember that there was some rust from condensation on the inside of the selector rod that I had to clean up, after No problem...
  14. patbretagne

    Turbo pressure.

    Hi, a new boy!! I've just gone up to a Defender, see the intruduction forum, and am a bit at sea with the turbo. There is a dump/gate valve on it which does not open with the engine at speed, the mechanical side is free but the blower pressure does not seem to be high enough to push hard enough...
  15. patbretagne

    Hi from rainy Brittany

    Good morning, A new boy to this forum, an old boy to Landies. Many Many years ago was member of LROC which turned into ROA nearly all my driving life (47 years) I've been a Landie owner either as main car or second car, tow tug, or just for fun. My last a 1968 LWB safari came to france with me...