1. N

    Morocco Trip July/August 2016

    I really hope you have a guide with you and plans for keeping in contact with local authorities on that stretch since it is highly militarised. The northern part of Mauritania is known for AQM activity and is not advisable for tourists because of kidnapping risk. When I was there I crossed so...
  2. N

    Morocco Trip July/August 2016

    I just came back from driving in Morocco. I took the ferry from Algecira to Ceuta. It cost me 90 euros for a return ticket but it was a special offer thing. Mind you, the line to get back into Ceuta, the spanish enclave, is a long wait. I bribed a policeman so I could cut into the line. Still...
  3. N

    Hi, new here and need some advice!

    Hey folks, I bought a Freelander TD4 sport, 2005 model, 4 months ago. I bought it in France and commenced driving most of West Europe, down to Morocco, West Sahara, Mauritania and tried getting into Senegal but I didn't have a Carnet de Passage so I returned north. Returning north I drove...