1. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Another update: have dried the boot last weekend and got a hose out to test it during the week and there was ok leaks. Checked all the spots starting from the top and working down. Took it to a garage to get checked and they couldn’t find anything either. I’m guessing there was just a big spill...
  2. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Just took the carpet off and now looking in the cubby hole and there is definitely a leak in there, just need to dry it out and see what’s going on! Edit: also not sure if I have a fuel leak now either. Think I just got panicked when I seen the colour and everything... will need to check that...
  3. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    thanks! I’ll take a look around for that and thanks for the name, I reckon that’s what I’ll struggle with most, terminology and names of things.
  4. J

    Only 5 years late...

    Thanks for the welcome, and yeah no longer just a lurker lol
  5. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    I've went down and had a quick check on the cubby box and I'm now not convinced it is diesel. I have quite a weak sense of smell, so got my girlfriend to smell and she didn't think it was a strong diesel smell, more it's the back of the car and has a car smell. Hopefully, that means it isn't a...
  6. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    I will double check in the morning to make sure it’s diesel, as the colour of it when it was more full had a slight diesel/rainbow colour around it. The leak is coming from the tank in the first picture where it’s really wet, not sure if you can see the picture I’ve uploaded? It doesn’t seem...
  7. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Well, small? Update on the car. It has a leak and the tool well is also full of diesel. I did buy it expecting there to be some issue but hopefully these are minor, will need to have a proper look tomorrow to see what’s actually wrong! The picture of the tool well is after I’ve put some old...
  8. J

    Only 5 years late...

    Hey Everyone! I guess this is long overdue as I signed up many years ago but had never posted until today as I just used to come and read and learn more about Landrovers. I've always wanted a landrover but between jobs and location it had never really been right time for me to get one, that is...
  9. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Thank so much everyone for the responses, I genuinely appreciate it so much! @andyfreelandy I did read that thread first, but I wasn't too clued up on what everything meant when I was reading the MOT and how to understand it. @Jayridium thank you so much for that as well! That is definitely a...
  10. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Thanks so much for the quick reply, should be able to a few things myself just need to buy tools. Will have a look through the forums for those specific changes.
  11. J

    Freelander 1 Buying a Freelander - question on MOT advisories

    Hi Everyone, I'm finally in a position where I don't live in a city centre and I'm looking to buy a car again and I really want a Freelander. I'm looking to buy a Freelander 1 that isn't too expensive and if it needs repairs I can either do them or go to a mechanic. I've been looking on this...