1. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Thanks very much for taking the time to detail this Nodge very much appreciated ! ! !
  2. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Hi Nodge can you or anyone possibly help me with a rough diagram on how to carry this out ?
  3. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Can anyone send me an idiots guide on how to go about this ?
  4. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    No I havent tried them I don't have a trailer. I have a friend who has one though. Can I test with multimeter ?
  5. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    I am really really liking the sound of this :D This may be the automation plan Joe had alluded to in an earlier post. Is there a link, another post or a diagram I can follow to do this ?
  6. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Not sure if any relevance to previous issues but I was looking for a route through the bulkhead to cab to run the switch wire and found this small box sited in wall of driver footwell . Any idea what it is? There is also an uncoupled connector plug nearby and cannot find anything in the area...
  7. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Yes It is starting to look like devising a dash switch is the way to go with this. Its not that random though as I consistently know it wont start unless ecu administers a cold start or unless engine is already very hot. Any switch designs and dash positioning very welcome ;)
  8. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Ok nipped out and done those tests . First test was plug switching whilst running. The ECU is fine with reattaching the coolant plug whilst running. It just shuts off the fan , warning light goes out and the needle goes to its true position, Next test.. I ran the car up to true 73 degrees and...
  9. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    I am so very conscious I have been commanding so much of your valuable time on this and would be happy to resort to a plan B workaround. . Its obviously proving extremely difficult to pinpoint my precise fault. The only thing for sure is that my car seems to need more fuel at start up but copes...
  10. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Ok I have run the tests The fuel pressure readings when car left for 14 hours are low pressure 390 high pressure zero. The same readings when car is up to 70 degrees was LP 360 and HP zero. Both readings go to LP 360 and HP 29k once car starts I took car out monitoring the rising temperature...
  11. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Hi Joe, Yes I will definitely try reducing the temp to 40 with rig when the true coolant temp is 68 or above and see what happens. I do know without shadow of a doubt though that the car will restart every time if true coolant temperature is above 68. I only know this as I have been doing this...
  12. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Well done Joe the rig works exactly as you advised it would.:D The coolant was at 45 degrees well within the non starting window. I set the coolant reading to 14 degrees and the engine started straight away.Interesting however If I put it to 70 degrees or above for example which is normally...
  13. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Ok got the parts from Maplins and believe I have soldered in line with diagram. I will attach to cts plug later and see if it works. If its not been done correctly please just let me know to cts plug later
  14. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Ok I will go to Maplins tomorrow with this diagram and see if anyone can sort me out. Can you sense check that what I'm asking is correct though.I want two potentiometers 10k ohms and 1k ohms and a 100 ohms resistor. These have to be rigged together as per diagram with 2.5 meters of speaker...
  15. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Wow just returned home you guys have been busy :D:D Firstly yes absolutely correct there are no HP readings when starting is ok. It simply jumps straight to 28800 with car running.? I have been checking whilst out and the temperature starting windows still running true. Id like to sense check...
  16. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    These readings are from just now during poor starting episode. I will add the readings again once its up to temperature
  17. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Yes Im sure glow plug light comes on and extinguishes as normal every time. I am heading out just now so can check that. The pressure readings before starting are low pressure 370-385 and high pressure zero. I dont think the high pressure reading kicks in until you actually try to crank isn't...
  18. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Sorry missed you comment. Yes I have replaced high pressure sensor seal and also replaced the high pressure rail regulator. The HP pump I just soaked sits just behind alternator
  19. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Ok gave it a good cold water soaking for 4 minutes but no joy with starting. :( Coolant temp is at 41 degrees just now. I also gave ecu casing a good spray with freezing spray over both sides of casing. Gave it a minute to work and tried to start. Again no joy but worth a try
  20. R

    Help Can anyone confirm all starting related components and requirements ?

    Its in the no start range at moment and I'm happy to try the garden hose exercise now.The neighbours already think I'm nuts anyway. I will have to soak it from bonnet or wheel arch as under carriage and sump guards in place. Where is the high pressure pump exactly ? I replaced seal on the high...