1. Stepney

    Black smoke under load

    Noticed over the weekend that I was gassing cyclists with plumes of black smoke and the Freelander was sluggish dragging the caravan so I investigated the potential causes. PCV, found the filter sponge had been removed so will fit the BMW vortex. EGR Blocked with carbon so will be bypassing...
  2. Stepney

    Freelander 1 Freelander 1 VCU Bearing Replacement - How To Guide

    Great guide Hippo, so helpful thank you, I have just renewed my VCU 1st shaft separated with a bit of force form a cold chisel but the second wasn't moving and spent ages trying to release it even bending a 13mm chisel. In the end I strapped it to my workmate to hold it vertical and soaked the...
  3. Stepney

    Hi All

    Just bought a 2005 Freelander and looking forward to miles of happy motoring LOL. Looking at some of the posts I am driving it around waiting for the IRD to explode! I used to have a series 3 20 years ago but had to sell it due to economic reasons so now I'm having another go. Great info on...