1. A

    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Yeah - any changes that have to involve chassis mods won't be happening
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Well I got a reply from the Federation of Historic British Vehicle Clubs (FHBVC) today - a lot quicker than I expected (in case anyone doesn't know, they are the "DVLA recognised expert body" asked by them to advise on MoT exemption. The opinion of the individual who dealt with my enquiry is...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    OK I may have failed to explain the situation fully or maybe I don't understand it. The fact is that the vehicle is already registered - I have the V5 in my name, it is currently declared SORN and is in bits, scattered around my yard and workshop. I am under the impression that it is for me to...
  4. A

    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    This is very true and might cause me to alter my plans - I have two discos that would yield a useable body and the engine/gearbox between them. Although I have done a considerable amount of reconstruction of discovery bodies in the past this also means that I have an idea of the work involved...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    no I followed your link to that 101 - loved it but then went back and found the price
  6. A

    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    bugger. 11K +vat - it aint apnin
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Hang on a minute I think I've got another idea
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Absolutely right. That's why I'm taking time to make sure what I want to do fits all relevant rules and if it doesn't I'm still at the stage where plans can be altered. If I get it right then when or if DVSA (VOSA changed their name) show an interest I can make them a cup of tea, sit back and...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Simple answer - budget, see if you can find a fairly complete useable standard 2 door RRC body for less than 5K even if you buy a bit here and another bit there, I got a complete useable disco with running engine and gearbox for £500. I am not restoring a RRC, I am recommissioning an otherwise...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    The VIN plate is a removable item - and it's removal does not in itself break any laws, removal of a stamped chassis No can be a different matter especially if it's removal is an attempt to hide a stolen vehicle or to hide an incorrect rebuild in an attempt to defraud the DVLA of road tax, in...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Yes a problem area he identifies is the use of secondhand chassis (which always carry their own, often scrapped or destroyed ID) If yo're not using the ID which goes with the chassis (either because it's been scrapped/thrown away or you can't use it as you are not also using enough other...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    I have - I have just read it again, It's a well written piece of information if a little out of date. I see no part of it that contradicts my point of view. Which part do you think does?
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Yes yes yes, at last. As I see it, as the "rules" are written, any body, bodywork or bodyshell etc. can be put on any independent chassis,and providing the chassis is not altered from standard spec, the identity of the resulting vehicle will be that of the chassis, provided that enough other...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    It is a major bodywork change - there's no denying it, but it isn't a change in any way at all to the "monocoque bodyshell" . An enquiry has now been sent to FHBVC as per published DVLA advice - if they tell me no then it's no. I'll let you know how it goes but I don't expect a very quick answer .
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    That's a fair comment
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    I won't be asking them - not because I don't want clarification but because I don't believe they'll offer any. All I would expect is for them to point me at the guidance already published on their website, which on the face of it appears to allow such a build. If you have actually read their...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Please, please do read up again and when you do please quote sources, whether they support what I want to do or not. I like your interpretation of original - it suits my purpose but I've yet to see any official confirmation of it. The DVLA appear to think that a vehicle can only be fitted with...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    1. good question - no I haven't. I have done a fair bit of reconstruction of disco 1 bodies - inner wings. cills, boot floors and more - a lot more. I know that the parts I have mentioned are common to both disco 1 and 4dr RRC. Both of these vehicles and the 2dr RRC have a 100" wheelbase. Door...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Trio - yes I remember the local registration office - long gone and that's a shame. I also would expect DVLA and any sharp eyed copper (especially one who knows Land rovers) to want to look closely at the finished vehicle which is why I'm inviting people to question my interpretation of the...
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    Classic historic vehicle rebuild

    Thanks for your comments Trio, you are quite correct in that there are substantial costs involved in what I want to do. That is why I am trying to provoke some debate on the subject – so I can better understand other people’s views before I spend a lot of cash. To answer your first question...