1. M

    leather seat part number

    Yeah, I wouldnt have thought they would fit in a 90, your legs wouldnt fit under the wheel, your head will touch the roof and your legs wont reach the pedals!
  2. M

    deestone tyres

    What size Deestones are you wanting?. I have a full set of Deestones on SWB landy rims. I think they are 6.50s
  3. M

    Will a disco steering wheel fit my series 3 ?

    Oh but I'll mention Im built enough to use a 10 inch wheel with 7.50s and 235,85s! :P
  4. M

    Will a disco steering wheel fit my series 3 ?

    I have a 10 inch (Snigger) Astrali wheel.. Bearing in mind Most Classic minis had 12 inch wheels!.. Gives **** loads of room inside the cab and it doesnt effect steering too much.. Think of it this way you dont want to be steering when stood still becuase that nackerers your steering box and...
  5. M

    Tax exempt plates ?

    Well your from Mansfield.. Dont suppose you have seen a red 69 2a about recently have you?.. it was me if you have :cool: Aint there a copper from Nottinghamshire on this forum too!:D :rolleyes:
  6. M

    hey need help pleeeease

    Shows you shouldnt be such a **** doesnt it!.. Now no one wants to help you!.. **** off.. Liek said, No one likes you
  7. M

    Okay, This is gonna sound really "chavvy"...

    Okay what about lowering it?.. Was thinking of buying some nackered old springs? :D You know, For better road handling? :D
  8. M

    dixon bate

    You wouldnt get it hot enough to anneal it.. Your only burning paint and rust off.. But if you was to plan on towing I wouldnt do the tow ball, Just the drop plate.. Mines perfect now.. Long as you dont get it glowing RED hot you'll be fine.. Just dont throw it in a bucket of cold water as that...
  9. M

    Okay, This is gonna sound really "chavvy"...

    Yeah thats what I thought, I know you can fit them to 200's and Prima turbo diesels, But I have heard you can fit them to Naturally Aspirated engines.. Seen a few on 2.5 N-As but dont have a clue how its done :confused:
  10. M

    Okay, This is gonna sound really "chavvy"...

    I have heard about Dump Valves being fitted to series trucks, Can it be done on a 2.25 Diesel S3 5brg engine?, And what are the benifits of doing this?. Just want to know if it can be done :cool: :p And more than likey, Would do it just to be different :D
  11. M

    dixon bate

    Throw it in a fire, leave it for 30 minutes, Get it out remembering it will be slightly warm, Let it cool naturally and rub down with a wire brush.. Back to bare metal, And use Smoothrite like said.. Jobs a good un
  12. M

    Series 3 dicky started motor

    Solenoid is ****ed. I just swapped mine in the 2a (Whole new startermotor unit and its fine) or you might be able to clean it out?
  13. M

    Series 3 engine converstion, LT77 box...

    Yeah, best gerrin a 200TDI or stick wit the 2.25 and leave it as it is.. A Lad I knew has a 3.5 carburetted 88 s3 with LT77 and used it for road only and laning every month or so.. He would get through £100 of petrol easily whilst laning and he is a sensible driver. And would lane for a few...
  14. M

    Series 3 engine converstion, LT77 box...

    Suppose it all comes down to the simple fact what do you want it for?. Offroad?.. Then I'd fit a S2 box, You'd rarely need to go fast And would just potter around So a S2 Box is fine, Then again a 2,25p would work just as well. Road?.. Then fit a LT77 For optimum performance and MPG...
  15. M

    Series 3 engine converstion, LT77 box...

    Then your probably forgetting the cost of the insurance on a modified vehicle with a 3500cc engine.. Then you'd have to upgrade your front brakes to MOD 109 11inch standard. And you would hammer it anyway.. S2 Box would be best like I said last night. But if you could have the facilities and...
  16. M

    spire nuts?

    Ebay.. theres a few people on there who sell fixings. Might aswell buy SS if you can, Save any hastle in the future..
  17. M

    Wooly steering?

    Sorted it now.. Well took all the play out of the steering, Didnt know it was possible!. I have not had a road test in it since so will report back on how big an improvent it has been. Thanks!
  18. M

    Series 3 engine converstion, LT77 box...

    Is this anything to do with our discussion on MSN lastnight?... :rolleyes:
  19. M

    Need various bits of information

    If you want to find the original colour of your s2, As your going to paint it anyway.. get sander out and sand down the seat tub, or inside of the bulkhead to you find the last colour until you get to metal.. Obviously wings and bonnets get replaced.. Bulkheads and seat boxes not as much so...