1. Brendon Muller

    Disco 2 Auto Box Slow Pull Away

    Mechanically and electrically things seem fine, fuel lines, MAS, ECU etc. have all been checked, it really seems to me that it is down to the Auto Gearbox, apparently there are springs and solenoids that open and close and we were wondering if it is not something like that, not opening fast...
  2. Brendon Muller

    Disco 2 Auto Box Slow Pull Away

    It show immediately on dashboard and selects the gears without a problem, it is just as if the revs don't pick up on pull away!
  3. Brendon Muller

    Disco 2 Auto Box Slow Pull Away

    Hi guys, I am battling to solve a problem with my 2000 Disco 2 Td5 Auto I have been battling with pull away and first thought it was the motor which has been totally overhauled but problem with pull away is still there. It is only when pulling away the the vehicle has no power once she is moving...